Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Tomatoes Captured.

7-3-13 VERMONT: The weather today is a little different, no rain for over twelve hours. I started the day as usual, emptying the boat and rain gauge, 0.8 inches this morning. We have had about 8 inches in the last 2 weeks. The rain has occasionally come with thunder, distant thunder, and little or no wind.

I put up the tomato cages today. The plants are almost all growing vigorously and the corn is almost knee high in spite of a lot of cool weather. Maizie is almost knee high also. Some of the tomatoes had the tops bitten off by some unknown critter so I turned the electric fence on.

New blooms: native daylily, first hosta, hydrangea, pink spirea.

First native daylily, one of my July favorites. They usually bloom for the entire month, and then it's August. I know I keep listing favorites, but I'm fickle.

Spirea have been out for a few days.

I just noticed this Mock Orange volunteer growing by the driveway entrance. It has nice fragrance and is clearly enjoyed by pollinators.

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