Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We're Number 1-as in Minus Degrees.

12-31-13 VERMONT: We ended up with snow the other night, eight inches of wet stuff while the temperature hovered around freezing. In the morning, Judy and I shoveled us out so we would be cleared before the deep freeze turned the snow to stone. The temp dropped all day as we ran errands, ending up in the low, single digits in the evening. This afternoon it’s up to ten.

I walked the dogs out to the end of the pasture today, using the snowshoe tracks Judy made yesterday on her walk. The snow is decent, dry and powdery, and not crusted or frozen. It was a hard slog though, partly because of all the clothes—big parka, padded overalls, sweater, heavy boots and gloves. I did stay warm.

Mt. Lafayette, looking rather alpine, popped out of the haze for a short while this morning. It's more than forty miles away on our northeast horizon. Is this why they're called the White Mountains?

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