Thursday, June 19, 2014

New Perennials.

6-19-14 VERMONT: It’s getting cool again. Today was beautiful with a nice breeze that kept the bugs in hiding. I did the roses this morning. They had a fair amount of winterkill, but are sending up lots of new shoots. They were being engulfed by weeds, so I used the trimmer and then weeded by hand to get a bush exposed and pruned it when I could see its base. First I did one side of the bush and then the other side on the other side of the fence. In the afternoon I weeded the north terrace beds and their roses. That has me caught up with weeding and pruning for the moment.

Yesterday I went to Brown’s Nursery for some stock and started plugging holes. I put a yarrow, Achillea Millefolium ‘Paprika’, in the wall bed and a chrysanthemum ‘Overture’ near that one. I put two soapworts in the bed by the road, Saponaria officinalis ‘Rosea plena’ and four Primula japonica on the pond bank. I dug everything else out before planting the primroses so they don’t get overwhelmed by weeds.

New blooms: peony, stephanandra, tradescantia.

Promethea silk moth. She was napping all day on this window. The males are mostly all black.

Peony-it must be June.

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