Besides the Vernal Equinox, today has a solar eclipse, not visible in the US, and the new moon [when the moon is directly between the earth and sun and might cause an eclipse] is at that spot in its orbit, perigee, when it is closest to the earth. Does that grab bag of astronomic trivia make up for the #$*&? I didn’t think so either.
As for me, I tore up my left knee that last day of skiing, Friday, got a ride down the mountain on the toboggan, drove home and had dinner and called my NJ orthopedist after it was apparent the knee wasn’t getting better on its own. He said go to the local ER, I borrowed crutches from a neighbor and drove to Dartmouth-Hitchcock.
After X-rays, a CT scan and consultations, we decided to do the necessary repair to the tibial plateau of the knee in the morning, Saturday. Judy, always there to bail me out, drove up Sunday and found me in a Bledsoe Brace locked in extension [straight out]. After PT lessons, I was discharged on Monday, and then we drove back to NJ on Tuesday, ahead of yet another blizzard.
Here we are learning how to make the situation work. We lost our trip to Naples and will loose some theatre and opera. Even though this was my first serious injury in 58 years of skiing, I suspect that I’ve made my last run.
Just when we were starting a nest?!
Same old, same old.
Iron Maiden.
It's pretty, but.....
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