5-22-15 VERMONT: We arrived yesterday and were greeted by neighbor Steve and a bunch of black flies. We prefer Steve.
Today was very windy, a good thing because it blows the black flies away. I started on a pile of spring jobs that I haven’t had a chance to do. I am walking on the healing, broken leg, doing partial weight bearing with one crutch, but sometimes I forget to use the crutch.
I skimmed the pond, picking up debris from the fall and spring that was floating around on the surface. That friendly wind blew the debris near the side for pickup with a pool skimmer net. Then I gave the pond another ‘probiotic’ treatment and scattered barley straw pellets around the edges of the pond. They attack algae growth. The pond is actually looking clearer this spring. I also filled the bird feeders. Tomorrow I get help from neighbor Clara for setting up the new veggie garden.
Judy and I did errands this morning including a trip to Longacre’s Nursery for herbs and tomatoes and a hanging basket for the pumpkin cart and dried stuff for her indoor arrangements this morning.
In bloom: apple, French lilac, Mohican viburnum, honeysuckle, azalea, white trillium, red trillium, mertensia, bleeding heart, viola, ajuga, purple lamium, dandelion, wild strawberry, golden alexander, forget-me-not, alkanet, epimedium, white geranium, spurge, hellebore, wild ginger, jack-in-the-pulpit, vinca minor, pachysandra.
Spectacular apple tree, almost always does it on Memorial Day.
Bleeding hearts hiding under the apple tree's gnarly trunks.
Just as good from the other side.
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