Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Fifty Shades of Green.

6-2-15 SHORT HILLS: Well we got the rain—3.2 inches, so far, with more to follow. The sump pump is running every ten minutes or so. The greater area has had some flooding, but not anywhere near us. It’s dark, cool, in the fifties, damp and dank. There’s no wind. A short walk outside in the yard leaves you with wet feet. Tree branches are heavy with rain and hang low over the paths.

New blooms: white clover.

House finches in vivid color, front and back views.

Fifty shades of green. There is nothing visibly in bloom. The privet, center back, is in flower, but not eye-catchingly. I love the greens - blue-green, yellow-green, gray-green, brown-green, dark green, light green. Overhead there is a canopy of ash, oak, walnut, linden and tulip trees shading this area most of the time. It's all dripping wet now, making it look shiny.

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