6-14-15 VERMONT: We’ve been here for a couple days. The gardens are swarming with flowers, but there is a ton of stuff to do. In the veggie bed there is no corn, but the tomatoes are where they should be for this date. Did the corn not germinate? Is it too early to see it? Did something eat the new shoots?
Lucy is with Judy and me, and we did a walk in the Thetford Municipal Forest off Sawyer Mountain Rd. There is a 0.7 mile loop, partly through wetlands, and the pink lady’s slippers are starting to bloom. We saw a grouse on the trail for part of a moment. On the way back we stopped for a look at Old City Falls, which has lots of falling water.
On our first afternoon, I put in the screen doors, filled the feeders, trimmed around the entry steps and did a bunch or other chores. The house was open when we arrived because we have guests whose daughter graduates from Dartmouth today. The daughter is a friend of our granddaughter Anna who graduated in 2013.
In bloom: azalea, Asian lilac, weigela, stephanandra, Wentworth viburnum, roses, spirea-red and white, columbine, forget-me-not, jack-in-the-pulpit, geranium, lamium-pink and purple, bleeding heart, Solomon’s seal, early daylily, celandine, lupin, primrose, foxglove, Jacobs ladder, Rogersia, peony, chive, thyme, basil, speedwell, bindweed, knapweed.
Pasture wildflowers: daisy, buttercup, vetch, bedstraw, red clover, yarrow, Indian paint brush- yellow and red, fleabane, dianthus, raspberry, blackberry, cinquefoil.
Showy Lady's Slipper in the Town Forest.
Daylily, early hybrid when the native daylilies are waking up.
Thyme on the north terrace.
Yellow flag iris and lupin and some white Siberian iris.
Primrose at pond side.
Bearded Iris.
Daisy in the pasture also has a guest. I'm guessing it's an American Copper Butterfly, anyone?
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