Sunday, July 05, 2015

Festive, But Cold, Fourth.

7-5-15 VERMONT: Judy and I did the Fourth at Middlebrook restaurant. They had a barbecue and fireworks and an open bar. Anna and Erin, our weekend guests, joined us. It was a cold Fourth and we all had on sweaters and jackets. There was light rain during the afternoon that started while we were at the Norwich Farmer’s Market.

Back on Wednesday we gave a small dinner party to meet and greet new neighbors, Sherry and Dave, both recently retired from TCU. They have never been here for a Vermont winter. Donna and Bruce and Jane and Ken joined us to provide a quorum.

Today was a mail order day, close to perfection, actually in the eighties in the afternoon. I was back outside doing pruning and shaping. One small spirea is almost all dead probably from lack of sunlight. I did another pond treatment.

I finished the installation of the fence charger with four strands of wire around the three rail fence. The corn is at one inch, the second planting, usually corn should be knee high on the Fourth. The first seeds from the Memorial Day planting disappeared. The tomatoes look OK.

New blooms: astilbe, dianthus, milkweed, black-eyed susan, filipendula, rosebay rhododendron.

Astilbe at pond side have been open for about a week.

Dianthus flowers are about the size of a dime. The plant is happy in dry thin soil on top of ledges.

Companions for the Fourth, Anna and Erin, at Middlebrook barbecue and fireworks.

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