Sunday, September 27, 2015

Piano Night.

9-27-15 SHORT HILLS: We heard Lang Lang play solo piano last night at NJPAC. He did works by Tchaikovsky, Bach and Chopin and a couple brief encore pieces for a good two plus hours of piano playing. He is a huge talent, without doubt.

Lang Lang has been criticized for what seem to be affectations of emotional ecstasy while playing. They may or may not be affectations, head thrown back, languid hand gestures when the hand is not on the keyboard, but I find them distracting and even irritating.

I have decided I prefer piano and orchestra playing together, working with, off and against each other rather than solo piano. I enjoy the interaction and competition between the soloist and the group.

Back in the yard, it remains dry and the temperatures are cooling off. I hope it stays clear for the big eclipse tonight.

How 'bout those Mets?

NJ Performing Arts Center, Prudential Hall, Newark. The lobby before the show.

NJPAC stage awaiting Lang Lang. The empty seats were full at kick-off.

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