Sunday, October 04, 2015

Fall in Vermont.

10-4-15 VERMONT: We arrived here a few days ago. The sun came out as we left Massachusetts behind, and has been out ever since. That night, Lily and Sam came to dinner, Sloppy Joes from the Millburn Deli.

Friends Ina and Marcel came up on Friday. We had dinner with them and with Susan and Mark at Stone Soup, and at Middlebrook the next night. Ina, an ex-Vermonter, took Marcel on her grand tour Saturday. They left this morning after a pancake breakfast with local maple syrup.

Judy and I were disappointed with the fall color here, so we drove north, about 50 miles, to visit the towns of Peacham and Cabot and Joe’s Pond. The color was better further north, but still spotty.

The over-night temps are in the thirties, so we have been having fires in the evening. There has not been a frost as yet. Lots of flowers are still in bloom and tomatoes are still forming. We found some corn on the stalks, but it was quite starchy and over-ripe.

The apple tree next to the north terrace fell against the house and onto the electric wires in the storm the day before we arrived. The power company took it down, and Chippers will come to chip it up. There was no damage to the house. It was a pretty tree, home to a feeder and popular with the birds. The feeder has moved across the terrace, at least for the moment.

My brother Hank arrives for a few days tomorrow.

New blooms: red asters, white asters, purple asters, boltonia, sedum, chrysanthemum, toad lily, bottle gentian.

After the rain.

Dairy farm, Cabot, VT.

Leaf peeper, Thetford.

Color is patchy, but will fill in later, hopefully, before we leave.

Toad lily is a curious little flower reminiscent of an orchid in its complexity.

Maple color.

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