Sunday, November 08, 2015

Winter Is Coming.

11-8-15 VERMONT: We have gone from the sixties to the fifties to the forties over the last three days. I’ve been outside doing the clean-up, all the beds are finished around the house, but the pond beds and other outlying beds await my attention.

Today I was distracted by the need to do an under-the-deck repair. I noticed that there were signs of water coming into the old cellar when Alison and Dan were helping me put the summer benches and chairs away. Actually they did most of the work—thanks again guys. Anyway, the water was coming in at the northeast corner where the cellar wall is the original dry stone construction, and I was afraid the water could damage the wall.

I looked under the deck and found a big hole against the wall on the outside, probably dug out by the dogs. To do the repair I had to remove a deck plank, bring over several wheelbarrow loads of dirt and some big rocks to support the fill. I also blocked the entry the dogs were using. The bad news—there’s an even bigger hole that will need filling next summer, but it won’t affect the cellar.

It’s hunting season, but there's very little activity within earshot. Twenty years ago the neighborhood sounded like Vietnam at this time of year. And it’s not my hearing either.

The warm weather has kept bugs around, but not many. The robins, downy woodpeckers, pigeons and house finches are still here, keeping the chickadees, nuthatches and blue jays company. Most of the birds are gorging on the crab apples.

On the other hand, Brady the horse has a fine, thick winter coat already.

Dan gave a talk about his Pulitzer Prize winning book, Toms River, at Dartmouth on Friday afternoon. The crowd loved it, books were signed and sold.

Dan, Alison and I had dinner with Lily and Sam on Friday and Lily and her posse on Saturday. Tonight I cooked for myself and set off the smoke alarm, but I suppose it could happen to any great chef.

Interesting sky as darkness approaches at 4 PM.

While I was working around the apple tree, the robins sit in a maple and wait me out...

until they can get back to apple eating.

Snow on Mt. Lafayette today.

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