2-10-16 VERMONT: We arrived yesterday to find an inch of new snow on top of a couple inches of old crusty stuff. Usually at this point of the winter, we have a foot of snow cover and sometimes as much as three feet. We walked around the pasture after shopping for provisions. Judy used snowshoes, but i just wore boots. The dogs love the snow, they run, wrestle, dig, sniff endlessly.
There was a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers in the crab apple trees this morning. Goldfinches are showing some yellow, summer plumage at the feeder. It seems early for the birds to be pairing off, but the groundhog did say there would be an early spring, didn’t he?
A flock of what might be cedar waxwings has also been in the apple trees this morning. They are very flighty, so I haven’t got a decent picture.
Pileated woodpecker, one of a pair this morning, mostly working the crab apple trees.
Both these pix are the female.
One inch of powder yesterday and showers today, but you can see from the three-rail fence that there are only a couple inches in total.
The doge are all busy sniffing for something under the snow.
Bally sporting a thick winter coat.
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