4-15-16 VERMONT: We came up Wednesday, and I immediately started doing chores—putting away the driveway reflector guides for the snow plowers, snow shovels and scoops, ice choppers. Yesterday I did all the spring fertilizing and acidifying or alkalinizing those plants that have expressed a pH preference.
The snow is completely gone. The ice is gone, and the water is pretty clear. The frog opera and orgy is underway. The ponds already have clumps of eggs fastened to the reeds. I saw a turtle for a moment yesterday. The nights are cold, but he afternoons are pleasant. The pasture and yard are more brown than green. The maples give everything near them a reddish tint. Snowdrops are in bloom all over the yard, and the hellebore is opening. Lots of other flowers have their noses out of the ground, sniffing the air—columbine, primrose, peony, daylily, iris. Daffodils have flower buds.
We had dinner last night with Lily in Hanover, tonight Roger and Ann, tomorrow Debbie and John.
Today, early in the AM, a pair of wood ducks landed on the pond, explored the water and then walked the bank for a half hour before flying off.
New blooms: snowdrops [actually some were open in March on our last visit], hellebore.
One of the few times of the year when you can see deeply into the woods. In a few weeks the leaves will be out and this scene will be gone and in deep shadow. In the fall, the problem is hunting season.
Another thing about this time os the year - no bugs yet. Is there a reddish tint to the woods?
Wood duck, male.
Mom and Pop. How many colors can you find on the male? The female?
Mom and Pop, different view.
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