Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bears, Foxes, Moose and Eagles.

5-24-16 VERMONT: I woke up early this morning and caught the sunrise—pix are on the blog. I actually went outside to get them. Later this morning I saw a fox cross the yard behind the pond and trot into the pasture. It may have gone under the barn. That red fox has a white spot on the left side. I might have seen it last night on the way into town for dinner with Lily and Sam at Murphy’s.

Other wild life sightings—turtles in the pond, deer on the road, neighbor Raymond had a moose at his farm and later saw a bald eagle perched in a tree on the road. Bears have been all over town, so no one is putting out bird feeders. I did put out the hummingbird feeders two days ago and this morning they were here.

Yesterday I pruned all day and did the roses, among other things. I hate pruning roses. Even with gloves I get stuck. Getting a pruned branch out of the rosebush is always a struggle because the thorns make the bush ‘grabby’, it won’t let go. It’s also a nuisance to gather the prunings up for composting without getting stuck again. I do them early in the season while I am still enthusiastic.

I also cut out a lot of burning bush that was invading the azaleas and rhododendron spaces. I think that I’m done with pruning for now, but I will probably find something else to cut tomorrow.

Today I started on the veggie bed. I pulled off the black plastic mulch and took up the soaker hose to do the weeding. There were some of the biggest dandelions I ever saw. Afternoon rain chased me inside so I went to Longacre’s for tomatoes and herbs. When I got back, the rain had stopped so I started raking the beds and found lots of rocks, three very big ones that were not there last year when I prepped those same beds. No wonder we have all those stonewalls. Next year another bunch of rocks will emerge when I do the beds then.

New blooms: Mohican viburnum, French lilac.

Dawn's early light...

Moosilauke backlit on the horizon.

Now we're getting there...

Sun rise just to the left of Moosilauke now, it will rise further to the right on the solstice.

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