Thursday, August 18, 2016

Creeping Toward September.

8-18-16 VERMONT: We had another 0.25 inches of rain. At the end of July El Nino was over after a year, which is a longer run than usual. During El Nino the northeastern US is typically dry, which we have been for about a year. Since it ended we have been getting rain. I put the hoses away.

I finished the repair work today filling and caulking the gaps, all small gaps, of course. In the winter when it’s, say, 12° and windy, every pinhole lets a draft in the house, so I try to seal everything. Tomorrow priming and next week finish painting. Actually tomorrow is the Cornish Fair.

Val, Maggie and Lucy returned from college visits for Lucy. They saw UVM and McGill, I think I mentioned that before. A little perseveration never hurts. Lucy liked them both.

New blooms: sedum, tree hydrangea.

Sedum, another sign of Fall.

Another Sedum.

This clematis is also a late bloomer. It grows from the ground every season and covers that corner of the deck. It's swarming with bees.

The tree hydrangea is another late bloomer. The hydrangea bushes bloom in July. That little retriever cutout guards the dog graves.

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