Thursday, August 04, 2016

Repair Work on Feet.

8-4-16 VERMONT: We finally got rain, most of it on 8-1-16, but some the day before and some the day after for a total of 0.8 inches. We need about 5-6 inches to catch up, but any is welcome. The grass turned green again, and everything seemed to perk up.

Granddaughter Maggie was here for most of a week convalescing from a sprained foot acquired as a passenger in a car crash. The driver was unhurt. By the time we took her back to Amherst, she was almost off her crutches. She needed to get back to her apartment to see to her pet rats. They seemed none the worse for the lack of attention. A friend was feeding them.

I’m continuing to do repairs. One of the porch pedestals was rotted at the base. I chopped away at it to find the lowest 7 inches and a section of the decking was completely bad, and so I cut it all away, leaving the pedestal hanging in air. I replaced the deck, about 8 inches, and the inner part of the pedestal with pressure-treated wood and the cladding with Azek, a white, PVC wood substitute.

We have lots of blueberries and tomatoes, but the corn is a few weeks away.

New blooms: black-eyed susan, lobelia, liatris.

Butterfly weed is fairly vibrant orange. there's a wasp or ant in the middle.

Here's the pumpkin cart with new parts and droopy flowers as the rain began.

Rain storm, finally. Those vertical streaks in the image are raindrops.

Liatris is another flower with a stalk of blooms, but this one blooms from the top down. Most flower stalks bloom from the bottom upwards such as lobelia below and delphinium, foxglove, evening primrose, and lupin all blooming now.

Lobelia, most of ours are blue and a few in white. this red is the first this year.

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