Sunday, October 09, 2016

Fall Color.

10-9-16 VERMONT: We had three cloudless days and are now back to being overcast. There was a bit of rain last night. The morning dew has been so heavy that we need Wellingtons to walk around the pasture without getting soaked. The remnants of Hurricane Matthew would have fixed our drought, it looks like he is headed elsewhere.

Hank has been visiting us from Kansas and has been photographing the color. The color has been better every day. I’ll show some pix with more to follow. Judy and I head back to NJ tomorrow.

New blooms: late monkshood, cimicfuga.


Cimicfuga sometimes is killed by frost before it blooms, but frost hasn't happened yet this year.

Heron visit to the pond.

Early AM on one of the clear days.

Autumn sampler from our pasture....

And another...

And one more.

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