Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The End Is In Sight.

2-15-17 SHORT HILLS: It’s not really two weeks since I last posted, but just a few days because of all the Antarctica posts that I put up. That said, there’s not much going on here. After a mild January, February has provided some snow, maybe six inches. It’s now down to three inches with a layer of ice on top from a freezing rain. The freezing rain dropped a lot of small branches, but I haven’t seen any major damage from the ice as yet.

 Before the snow and rain, the snowdrops and daffodils were showing about an inch of stalk. The feeders have been busy, I’ve had to fill them about every other day. It’s been the usual customers and a flock of grackles a few days ago, who haven’t been back for an encore. There have been no penguins at the feeders.

 February is the month when I get tired of winter and long for some spring. Two weeks to go before March 1, which always means that it’s time to prepare for the warm seasons. I already ordered corn seeds and pond chemicals. Vermont tomorrow.

Feeding finches.

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