Wednesday, March 01, 2017

March turns Colder.

3-1-17 SHORT HILLS: I’m almost done with the first round of pruning. I’ll need to do it again when everything is in leaf, and when I can actually see what died over the winter.

We had a big rain over the weekend and another storm today with electricity from the sky. It was in the seventies, but will get colder and there will be sub-freezing temps over the weekend, possibly into the teens. That will do a lot of damage to the plants that have been rushing to open. They’ll be nipped in the bud, as it’s said.

There might be snow on Friday. I hope it won’t be as bad and as cold as the predictions.

New blooms: crocus, andromeda, maple trees.

Crocus not upset by opening in February.

More snowdrops, and we might get snow tomorrow.

Andromeda is always the first shrub to bloom, but not this early.

Here's the whole andromeda it's about 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet.

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