Thursday, May 18, 2017

Heat Wave.

5-18-17 VERMONT: We came north today to Vermont, but go back south to Massachusetts tomorrow for Maggie’s Graduation from Hampshire College. We hope to get there in time to hear her present her thesis, which is entitled:

So Cute You’ll Eat it Up!: Cuteness as a Consumable Performance of Femininity in Pop Music.

It’s very interesting, and deals with topics totally foreign to me and to which I was oblivious. If anyone is interested, I can forward a copy.

It’s in the nineties today, even up here, but cools off tomorrow. Things are pretty much in order. I won’t get to do anything until after the graduation weekend. I will list everything currently in bloom rather than try to just list the new flowers.

In bloom: azalea, purple, white and yellow violets, purple and yellow lamium, pachysandra, vinca, Virginia blue bells, trillium, sweet woodruff, forget-me-not, thyme, clematis, star magnolia, bleeding heart, apple.

Virginia blue bells seem to love it in Vermont. A few I brought up from NJ have spread all over the yard. Too bad they don't last all summer.

Trillium makes alternating equilateral triangles with its petals and leaves. It also comes in red and a hybrid pink.

Bleeding heart has also spread widely throughout the flower beds, and it's quite welcome. It blooms for a long time and remains bushy all season.

Star magnolia. The last time I was here, I showed one partly open. This one is one of the last to appear.

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