8-3-17 VERMONT: It’s been a while since mentioned the garden, supposedly the subject of this blog. The weather has finally dried out, and I might have to start watering soon. The beds here are so packed with established perennials that it’s hard to get something new going, even in what seem to be open spots in the spring.
The hollyhocks I planted in the spring are struggling, the Casablanca lilies are also getting overwhelmed, the Asclepias have disappeared from the wall bed, but are holding their own by the pond.
Speaking of the pond, it has stayed fairly clear for mid-summer thanks to the treatments with probiotics and the darkening dye that suppresses algae growth.
The kingfishers have been at the pond everyday, a family of three, parents and, what I guess is, a yearling. Fortunately we have a lot of crawfish and shiners. The indigo bunting has been back at the feeder a few times, but hardly sits still long enough for a photo.
Blueberries and tomatoes are plentiful and the basil is overwhelming us, in fact all the herbs are doing well this year except rosemary. Last year rosemary was gigantic.
The pasture is turning yellow with the various kinds of goldenrod starting and the mint beginning to bloom. I have seen no new monarchs or monarch caterpillars on the milkweed. There are generally less butterflies this year than other years.
New blooms: helenium, first aster.
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail poses very obligingly.
First Phlox.
The kingfishers, three of them, Momma, Poppa and a yearling have been at the pond almost everyday. Here, she eats a crawfish.
Ornate Tiger Moth found his/her way into the kitchen, but got helped out into the night, which made both of us happier.
Hasty shot of the Indigo Bunting who is quite camera shy, which explains the poor pic.
Helenium means it's August.
Gentian is moderately shade tolerant and stands in at six inches.
Hostas dominate the front yard. I cut all of them, that border that path, in half this spring and planted those removed pieces elsewhere. I might need to do that again next year.
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