Monday, August 14, 2017

Southwest Harbor, Maine.

8-14-17 SOUTHWEST HARBOR, MAINE: We drove here on Saturday, running into bad traffic in Portsmouth, NH and southern Maine, but arriving here in time for a boat ride to Ilsesford, on Little Cranberry Island for a seafood restaurant dinner. Lobster and tuna were the popular choices.

Sunday was sailboat race day. I haven’t done one for many years, and the technology has changed, and so have I. It was hard work scrambling from one side of the boat to the other when tacking back and forth. It was a long race with many legs, upwind and down wind. I got to see a lot of the area from the water. ‘Ranger’ is a beautiful boat. Dinner was at a fav of mine here, XYZ, a Mexican restaurant.

Today opened with a pretty sunrise, and later we went cruising in Ken’s powerboat, Mutiny. We toured both Southwest Harbor and Northeast Harbor, and we went up Somes Sound to Somes Harbor, which is smaller than the other two, but has a bald eagle in residence.

We saw osprey nest in Southwest Harbor on top of a navigational aid with some almost mature chicks.

Carol has a large, mesh cylinder in her kitchen where she is raising Monarch butterflies from eggs. She adds milkweed cuttings as needed to feed the caterpillars hatched from the eggs, who eventually form chrysalises and hatch out as butterflies. At present there is one egg, several caterpillars of varying size and one chrysalis. A number of mature butterflies have been released in the garden. We wonder if they will join the butterfly migration in the fall.

Tonight is Carol’s birthday bash.

Bald Eagle lives in Somes Harbor.

A bit of Ken and Carols gardens.

Carol raises Monarch butterflies. We saw eggs, caterpillars and a chrysalis. This adult male has been released to the garden.

Monarch caterpillars eating Asclepias incarnata, butterfly weed, a kind of milkweed, in the brooding container.

Lobster pots add an extra dimension to sailing techniques.

Osprey chick in Southwest Harbor on top of a navigational aid. They are almost mature.

Monday morning sunrise.

Southwest Harbor.

Somes Harbor near the upper end of Somes Sound.

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