Monday, November 06, 2017

Another Rainy Day

11-6-17 VERMONT: It’s raining again today, so I’m inside for now. I have put in three days and cleaned up the beds on the east side of the house and am working on the beds on the north end and the terrace. I think there have been six cartloads of cuttings dumped in the pasture.

Brady left for home yesterday. I hope he’s back next summer, at thirty it’s iffy for a horse. I forgot to mention some other flowers still in bloom: geranium, feverfew, foxglove. The next several night are supposed to be in the twenties, so good frosts should make the rest of the perennials shut down.

This foxglove has been blooming all season. I hope it survives the winter.

The mowed pasture looks so clean. I'm always torn between keeping it looking tidy or enjoying the wild flower summer sequence.

The leaves are almost all down. The rain storm is clearing up.

Brady the horse in his raincoat. He has now moved back to his winter digs.

Here are some of those beds from the last post now cleaned up. There is still some green stuff, either perennials not yet dormant or biennials waiting for next spring like that foxglove by the second step. The clean up is not just chopping every thing down.

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