Monday, January 29, 2018

Turkey Tracks in the Snow.

1-29-18 VERMONT: The end of January is in sight, will anyone miss it when it’s gone? We had a couple of warm days, in the forties, but now it’s back below freezing.

We had dinner in town with Shari and Dave last night, and John was here for dinner the previous night. Ken arrives today, and we go back to town for tonight’s dinner.

I snowshoed around the pasture with the dogs on one of the warm days. The icy crust is so thick that the dogs stay on top most of the time, only breaking through the crust occasionally. When I threw tennis balls for the Goldens, the balls flew along the ice, giving the dogs a good run. Where there were dustings of drifted snow on top of the icy crust, I saw bird footprints, big ones, as big as the dogs foot prints. Probably turkey tracks, crows have three forward toes and a fourth tow pointing backward.

The dogs are early risers, usually up at first light, we would rather sleep in a bit, but sometimes the sunrise is worth it. I got a couple pink pix on Saturday.

The dogs are always early risers, so sometimes we get an early morning surprise.

Pink and blue.

The snow is covered with a layer of ice, making everything too bright and shiny.

Bird tracks between Gus and the ski pole. Those prints are as big as Gus'. Turkey, I assume.

Here's a better picture of the foot prints. The spacing and size means a big bird.

The snow cover is thin and the bare spots around the trees are getting bigger.

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