Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Out with the Old, In with the New.

5-30-18 VERMONT: The weather has been beautiful, warm sunny days with a breeze, low humidity—perfect. The only issue is that we need a bit of rain.

The turtle census is up to three, fish and newts have been seen. We had dinner with Andy and Katie at Elixir in WRJ. They have at least six turtles in their pond—we have a bad case of turtle envy.

I fertilized all the garden plants and shrubs. Using the appropriate pH balanced fertilizer and added lime or acidifier as necessary.

One section of the flowerbed below the deck on the east has been filled with phlox, a white phlox that blooms in September and that always get very mildewed. There were about two square yards of them. I dug them out, most of them, and transplanted them to various sunny spots around the pond. The mildew, I recently read, happens when phlox are packed together in a bunch. We’ll see about the mildew if they survive in the scattered around spots. I couldn’t get them all out because they mix in with other plants at the edges of the bed.

So I had a nice big empty spot to plant after I added some potting soil to make up for what was removed. I added three hollyhocks, Alcea rosea, Spotlight Mars Magic, Radiant Rose, and Blacknight, two daisies, Leuanthemum hybrid, a delphinium, D. elatum ‘Guardian Lavender’, a rodgersia, R. aesculifolia, a swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata, an oxeye, Heliopsis helnthoides ‘Summer Nights’, a foxglove with no ID, and three lamium, L. maculatum ‘Pink Pewter’ that I cut up and put between the other plantings as a ground cover.

Today I added a tiger lily, Lilium tigrinum, and an astilbe, A. chinensis ‘Purpurkerza’ to the top wall bed.

New blooms: buttercup, bunchberry, Solomon seal, star flower, foam flower, Siebold viburnum, veronica chamaedrys.

Indigo bunting just turning blue, probably his first year as an adult.

Bunting, again...

And again.

First hybrid daylily.

Each game-cam caught a deer at night, maybe the same one, but in different locations on different days.

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