8-26-18 VERMONT: Friday we had the final dinner party of the season. Donna, Bruce, Jane, Ken, Ann and Roger were here for a Judy spectacular. Judy and I finished the last of the leftovers tonight.
I have taken down the veggie garden in anticipation of grading the pasture for the wedding tent for next year. If I didn’t do it now, there wouldn’t be enough time for the new grass to take hold before the winter and be established for next spring.
First I took down the fence charger and wires, pulled up the grounding rods, saving everything for a possible future revival. Next came the wooden fence. The rails and posts are all stored in the big barn. Two rails went into the pasture fence to replace broken rails there. Lastly, the hardest job was pulling up the plastic mulch for which I had huge help from Judy. That pile of deteriorated mulching is ready for disposal. Eric and EJ arrived late in the afternoon and left a huge yellow grader, shovel, dozer.
Brady the horse has been fenced out of the upper pasture for the work, which will start tomorrow, but still has access to shelter, food and water. I moved the special herbs to a small, new temporary bed. They have lots of flower buds.
New blooms: red turtlehead.
The season isn't quite over yet.
Red turtlehead.
Morning sun on the deck, but not yet flower bed.
A pair of purples, dark monkshood and light hosta.
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