Monday, January 21, 2019

Cold Wave.

1-21-19 SHORT HILLS: The snowstorm, named Harper, passed through the area yesterday, leaving about two inches of slushy snow and then rain, heavy at times. Judy and I shoveled the driveway without much difficulty between the snow and rain. I cleared the drain in the driveway and did the sidewalk. Vermont got at least a foot of snow. Today it’s very cold, zero at daybreak and now up to 8°, but, with an 18 mph wind, it feels much colder.

The birds are besieging the feeders. They need a lot of energy to stay warm on days like this. We have had a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker here this morning, totally fluffed up to deal with the cold. We haven’t seen one here for a few years. A few robins are still here. They are poking around in the leaves, but never go to the feeders. They do eat berries, of which, we still have a lot.

We are off to Costa Rica tomorrow.

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker is not a frequent visitor, but has been around this morning, all fluffed up against the cold wind.

One of a few robins still hanging around.

Cardinal and a bit of a Junco under the feeder.

Sapsucker earlier in the day with ruffled feathers from the wind and cold.

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