Monday, April 22, 2019

Greening Up.

4-22-19 SHORT HILLS: We had a fast trip back to NJ, somehow avoiding Easter traffic. The snow piles in VT were much smaller after two days of warm rain, and wherever the beds became snow free, perennials started appearing.

Spring is much advanced in NJ—leaves are visible on the oaks, beech, tulip tree, elm, hawthorn, walnut, chestnut, catalpa, maple, magnolia, but the ash and locust are still hesitant. There was 1.6 inches of rain while we were in VT. We are getting more rain today. The grass is growing and green.

New blooms: dogwood, Kwanzan cherry, quince, apple, dandelion, bleeding heart, more daffodils.

Dogs are ready for the trip back to NJ. Bally is the black and white mound on the back left. Do they look happy to leave VT?

Considerably reduced snow piles after two days of warm rain.

Frog eggs two days after the ice melted.

I know it's an object of universal disdain, but it's actually a beautiful flower.

Kwansan cherry blossoms appear as the Yoshino cherry flowers are fading.

Daffodil--pretty in pink.

A political statement.

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