Monday, May 06, 2019

Blooms and Birds.

5-6-19 SHORT HILLS: The trip back from VA was a breeze, and we got the dogs that afternoon. We all sat inside yesterday watching it rain and rain and rain. We got 2.25 inches, and parts of the yard are quagmires.

Today was sunny except for a very brief shower. I was back outside pruning again. The very shy crape myrtles are still asleep except for one that has buds just opening.

New blooms: aucuba, pulmonaria, ajuga, wild strawberry, burning bush, double-file viburnum, Siebold viburnum, nannyberry viburnum, honeysuckle bush, chestnut tree, deutzia, red twig dogwood, first rhododendron, leucothoe, clematis, wintergreen barberry, mulberry.

Rhododendron, the first one in this yard every year by more than a week.

Chestnut tree has lots of flowers and buds on many stalks.

Clematis in a pink pastel.

Above and below, very similar looking woodpeckers. Hairy above is substantially bigger and with a more prominent beak, it's almost a WMD.

Downy woodpecker is a mini-me of the Hairy woodpecker. Both pix were taken from the same spot, and you can see that the feeder is the same size in both shots, but this bird is half the size of the other.

Catbird hangs out under and on the suet feeder.

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