5-26-19 VERMONT: We’ve been here for a few days, and it’s been more garden work for me and housework for Judy. We put out the outdoor furniture and Judy set up her pumpkin cart.
I planted perennials that I bought at The Farm in NJ—a delphinium, D.elatum ‘Pacific Giant Astolat’, with the other delphinium, a French hollyhock, Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’, in the rock garden. I put a foxglove, Digitalis mertonensis, in the upper terrace bed. In the bed below the deck, I put a lupin, Lupinus ‘Gallery Pink’, a hollyhock, Alcea rosea ‘Fiesta Time’, and a lobelia, L. siphilitica. I also planted ajuga volunteers from NJ on the terrace.
We bought three tomatoes from Gardeners Supply in Lebanon, two Sun Gold and one Early Girl that are potted for the deck. I also potted some basil and planted parsley in the herb bed. Perennial herbs—thyme, oregano, tarragon, chive and sage are all present and accounted for. The special herbs in the pasture are all alive, but haven’t shown much growth.
Otherwise there’s been a lot of weeding and pruning and some watering even though there’s been good rain. I did a pond treatment. There are five, and maybe, six turtles. The pond clarity is good.
New blooms: forget-me-not, Virginia blue bells, jack-in-the-pulpit, azalea, sweet woodruff, spurge, apple, epimedium, pink and yellow lamium, pin cherry.
Foggy morning.
White trillium comes out after the red ones.
Jack-in-the-pulpit, there are four of them sharing a space with a Virginia blue bell.
Virginia blue bells blooming between hostas and ferns
First azalea.
Bleeding hearts, red and white, beneath an apple that is about to open.
Apple volunteer is the first to open here.
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