Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Anna's and Gardner's Wedding.

6-25-19 VERMONT: It’s been a while since I did an entry. The wedding has gotten a lot of my attention, the wedding, the prep and the clean up. We are almost back to our boring selves at this point, except for a garbage pick up tomorrow.

The tents were set up in the rain on Thursday, with a near direct lightning hit that zapped the invisible dog fence and the GFI outlet in the garage. The bartenders, caterers, florists, the cake lady, set up on Thursday and Friday, also photographers, sound systems and wedding planners were swarming all over the scene.

Ken predicted a week of conflicting ideas—so true, but it all worked out nearly to perfection. Professional pix will be up at a different site link listed on the right.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the yard and pasture on a perfect Saturday for the service.

Sunday was the brunch and then clean up began and continued until now with more tomorrow.

New blooms: thyme, sage, chives, lady’s mantle, Wentworth viburnum, showy lady’s slipper, white and yellow flags, Siberian iris, bearded iris, weigela, peony.

Showy Lady Slippers opened before the wedding.

Anemones and Forget-me-not.

Yellow flag iris are the first iris to open. they don't have the three upper petals that the Siberian and bearded iris have.

Wentworth Viburnum is the last to open.

Centaurea in white.

Columbine, Jacob's ladder and bearded iris.

Set-up for the wedding ceremony.

Nice sky after the Rehearsal Diner.

Dance floor chaos.

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