Sunday, June 02, 2019

Two Days of Sunshine.

6-2-19 SHORT HILLS: We haven’t had any rain for a few days, and things are beginning to dry out and feel quite summery. I saw a beautiful butterfly this morning, black with yellow markings, that I don’t remember seeing before. I went looking for it later with the camera, but only caught one glimpse and no pix.

I have caught up with the chores for now, not counting a ton of weeding that should be done. I did cut down the dead crape myrtle and pruned the other one.

Everything is in full leaf and growing. The neighbors have all disappeared behind the green walls.

New blooms: linden viburnum, red spirea, Asian holly, Stewartia, Japanese snowball.


Kousa, Japanese, dogwood are blooming all over town. I should have listed it with 'New blooms' on the previous post.

House wren on his way back to the wren house.

Red spirea amid purple lamium

Stewartia. They all have one petal with a red spot.

Linden viburnum is the last viburnum to bloom in this yard.

Blue jay at lunch.

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