Friday, July 12, 2019

Approaching Mid-Summer.

7-12-19 VERMONT: The dry spell continued until yesterday when several waves of rain came through, dumping 0.3 inches without flashes or bangs. I had started to water the day before because some stuff was wilting.

I pruned another apple tree and dumped another cartload of prunings.

I am now able to drill holes in granite, a skill that I’m sure I’ll need again. The house number is now attached to the granite post, and I added another number sign and put it on the maple in front of the old house.

The milkweed in the pasture is in bloom and butterflies are there. I saw fritillaries, swallowtails, sulfurs, a monarch, and lots of skippers.

New blooms: rosebay rhododendron, rose mallow, monarda, hydrangea, summer azalea.

Fawn makes an appearance on a rainy, dark night. Maybe being weaned to grass.

Monarch butterfly, I have seen one, but there are probably a few.

Rose mallow.

Obedient plant. It seems happy in the spot, but we'll see if it's back next year.

Fritillary butterfly on the recently opened milkweed, you can smell it from twenty yards away.

Bee balm, monarda, is a fav of the hummers, as well as the bees.

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