Tuesday, February 18, 2020

India Bird Pix II.

2-18-20 SHORT HILLS: The next batch of pix is also from the Keoladeo National Park. These are mostly waterbirds and waders from the walkways and from the boat trip.

Glossy Ibis.

Great Egret were plentiful, an old friend from home.

White-tailed lapwing.

Indian Spot-billed duck.

Gray Heron.

White-breasted Waterhen.

Eurasian Moorhen.

Eurasion Coot. These were everywhere.

Northern Pintail and cow. It's India, cows are anywhere including swamps.

White-breasted Waterhen in the water.

Northern Shoveler and a Pond Heron in back.

Purple Heron.

Common Kingfisher.

Great Egret, again.

Indian Pond Heron.

Indian Cormorant, many, many seen.

Little Egret. Another friend form home.

Bronze-winged Jacana.

Pied Kingfisher.

Pied Kingfisher hovering before a dive and White-throated Kingfisher on the tree.

Oriental Darter is an Anhinga like we see in Florida.

Black Drongo.

Painted Stork. They were pretty common.

This Peacock was on the ground when we stopped to look, and he jumped up on that branch and preened facing us and....

then turned around to show his tail.


Black-winged Stilt.

That's enough for today, but there are more. Any comments and corrections to ID's welcome.

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