Friday, February 14, 2020

India Day VII.

2-8-20 RANTHAMBHORE—JAIPUR, INDIA: Back on the road, we headed to Jaipur, the Pink City and got there in the early afternoon. We checked in at the Samode Haveli Hotel did a walking tour of the downtown markets with our new guide Neeru.

One of the city gates. The city of 3 million has spread beyond the old city walls.

On the drive these uplifted and tilted sandstone ridges were a change from the flat landscape that we drove through earlier.

Jewelry shop door with unusual handle and horse shoe.

Nuclear monkey family finds lunch in the garbage pile. Ms. Monkey is still nursing that baby.

Market chaos but with lots of color in the shops.

A cow shoulders her way through a bunch of parked motorcycles and heads up the street against the traffic.

Bridal shops.

The bride is inside the store getting fitted while the whole family watches.

Turban are falling out of style, our guide said, but the colors indicate different events that the wearer might be attending.

Hotel lobby.

My hotel room.

Back at the hotel we found the rooftop bar and watched the kites flying [not the bird kites] and the sunset and a little later the moonrise.

Kite flying is quite popular and competitive. One tries to knock others kites down. Once we understood the concept, we noticed broken kites hanging in trees all over town.

Sunset and we're off to dinner and bed.

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