Saturday, March 21, 2020

Time Travel.

3-21-20 SHORT HILLS: We’re back in NJ. We came down a little early, worried about possible travel prohibitions that didn’t happen, at least not yet. It was another fast trip.

I have written in the past that going from VT to NJ and back in the spring gives me the sensation of time travel. We have just leaped forward in time from mud and snow to green grass and flowers.

While we were in VT, I got some of the clean up from the barn repair work done. There is much more to do, and, in fact the repairs aren’t finished. We also had the well/water tank issue defined and will have repairs done to it in April. Also, Chimney Savers were back to close a small leak between the stove and stove-pipe. Further, Chippers took down a big, hanging branch from the white pine in the corner of the yard, that tree has taken a beating in the last couple of years, but will hopefully be fine. Another bunch of white pine branches need clearing, and I did a few of them.

White pine are especially prone to loose big branches from the snow. They all show scars and have multiple trunks from re-growth after being damaged.

Two dustings of snow covered the mud for a few hours. Overall there was less snow when we left than when we arrived. There might be a new storm tomorrow with 8 inches possible. Here in NJ we got 1.2 inches of rain.

The Equinox has passed and now we get more daytime than nighttime for the next six months. It feels very Springish here, but I am still anxious about a late blizzard.

New blooms: spicebush, Siberian squill.

Siberian squill, a spring ephemera with great color.

We had two snows while in VT, both a dusting, but enough to cover the mud for a few hours.

The new, upper pond is draining into the old, lower pond.

Spicebush, another yellow spring flower.

The squill is a brief, tiny pleasure.

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