Thursday, April 09, 2020

A New Bird.

4-9-20 SHORT HILLS: We had a T-storm today with high wind that blew stuff all over, the first day that wasn’t perfect in a while. The sprinklers are on, but there has been enough rain so that they haven’t run.

I’ve been doing pruning and trimming and had a carload of cuttings to take to the dump. I also found a bag of Holly Tone in the garage so I fed some of the shrubs that looked tired or hungry. A man from the fence company was here, and I gave hem a list of posts and rails that we will need to be replaced.

I saw a new bird, new to me, a LBB with reddish tint and white eye ring, spotted whitish breast. A Hermit Thrush, I think. Grackles have been back at the feeders, but only a few, so far, usually we get dozens.

New blooms: more daffodils, barberry, blood root, yellow lamium, dandelion.

Here's a LBB [little brown bird] that I saw in the yard that I don't remember seeing before.

From the back, it has a lot red in the tail. Hermit Thrush??

Blood Root. another early bloomer, these flowers will be history in a few days. The leaf is distinctive.

Barberry flower, each of those will become a little, red football in autumn.

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