Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Sickness and Death.

4-1-20 SHORT HILLS: The April Fool-in-Chief is still lying. Testing is still largely unavailable, PPE’s are in short supply and vents are back ordered. Until face masks, etc. are at every pharmacy for nominal cost, the problem isn’t solved. National lack of preparedness because of understaffed government health offices [CDC, NIH] is causing unnecessary deaths and putting first responders and medical personnel in unnecessary danger.

Deaths are predicted to be between 100,000 and 240,000 from the COVID-19 pandemic [Washington state model]. Assuming the mortality rate of 1% or 2% continues [Lancet article], that would mean up to 24,000,000 cases, working back from the mortality numbers. Actual Mortality in the US states has been running from 1/40 to 1/60 or ~2% of recognized cases, but, of course, the untested, unrecognized cases are a huge mystery. Since there are possibly 10 cases unidentified for every positive test, the total number of cases in the USA might get to 240,000,000, more than half of the population.

This week in the garden there was plenty of rain, 1.2 inches, with seasonal temps and only a little change. We have many daffodils with healthy, full green shoots, but almost no flowers and only a few buds.

New blooms: bleeding heart, boxwood.

Bleeding Heart.

Boxwood flower.

Cherry, forsythia and green grass, the reddish stuff near the forsythia are the first leaves on a copper beech.

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