Monday, May 25, 2020

Bears and Bridges.

5-25-20 VERMONT: It remains desert dry except for the swampy areas that still have standing water. If it doesn’t rain soon, I’ll have to start watering.

It turns out that the bird feeders didn’t fall on their own, they were pulled down by a pair of bears that have been exploring the neighborhood at night. The next night the feeder was again pulled down and smashed and all the seeds were eaten. Our garbage can, was also attacked and inverted and the contents strewn around the garage. The bears were also mean to hostas and trillium under the feeders.

Our neighbor Randy has a ring video cam, and the bears were caught in his yard, looking black and full-sized, early on the 23rd. Now the feeders are empty, the two remaining ones, and are hanging on a wrought iron pole waiting for a week to pass. I think we’ll have to bring them in at night for a while. We’re keeping the garbage in the cellar.

The bridge is finished. It took two days and seems quite secure. I used two rescued, concrete piers from the barn repair last summer as abutments. They were each 4 feet long and about 1 foot square and very heavy. I needed tractor help from neighbor Steve to set them in place last fall. I leveled them, made them parallel and at the same height before the winter. They settled in nicely for this spring.

I anchored 2x4’s to the abutments and attached planking, 2x10, 2x8, and 2x6 to the anchored wood to build the bridge. I will need to beef up the earthen access ramps.

Since then, it’s back to pruning, weeding, clearing deadfall and winter-kill. I put up supports for the peonies and meadow rue.

I saw the first June bugs and a Red Admiral butterfly.

New blooms: apple tree, Mohican viburnum, jack-in-the-pulpit, lily-of-the-valley, Japanese primrose, buttercup, sweet woodruff, spurge, epimedium, ajuga.

Here's the bridge being constructed over the new brook between the old pond and the new one.

I build bridges, not walls.

Neighbor Randy has a ring video cam and caught two bears late the other night. First bear entering the field.

First bear leaving the second bear entering.

The second bear in the picture field. Thanks, Randy, for the images.

Garbage assault.

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