Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Little Night Rain.

6-24-20 VERMONT: We woke up this morning to rain. Finally, some rain, it ended early afternoon and delivered 0.3 inches. We still need much more.

I have mostly been doing watering and a bit of weeding, but when things are this dry, I spend the day watering to get all the bed wet.

The new pond is down at least a foot while the old pond is only about an inch low. We started eating Sun Sugar tomatoes.

New blooms: bridal wreath spirea, red spirea, goats beard, trascantia, Russian sage, sweet William, Indian paint brush.

My favorite peony, less is more.


Luna Moth during the day, he works the night shift and is off now. Check out the frilled antennae.

Goats beard is happiest in shade.

Sweet William is another dianthus.

Roses along the fence will keep flowering all summer.

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