Monday, June 29, 2020

Rain At Last.

6-29-20 VERMONT: It’s pouring. It started yesterday afternoon with a T-storm with a lot of electricity that totally panicked Kaley and Judy, Kaley was worse. That storm delivered 0.7 inches, over night there was 0.4 more, today another 0.75 and it’s been raining again for an hour. We’ll get at least 2 inches. The big pond is full and draining. The new pond level is higher, but there is not much runoff from the hill above the pond as yet. The fields and woods are so dry that they are soaking up all the rain. I say let it continue for a week. I have emptied the boat three times so far.

Alison and Dan were here for the weekend. We ate on the deck until things got wet. After many complaints about the mattress in the main guest room, Judy and I went shopping yesterday and got a newer, wider, bigger, thicker, softer mattress and boxspring to silence all the complainers. They arrive on Wednesday.

Before the rain, I spent most of my time watering, weeding, staking, etc. in the beds. I planted some ferns to the east of the new pond where it used to be all ferns before the construction. I hope to make it all ferns again. I got the ferns from the rock ledge face next to that pond. I stripped all the vegetation off of one section of the ledge, it’s like peeling an orange, and replanted the ferns that came off, and I will do more of them.

New blooms: rosebay rhododendron, diablo ninebark bush, water lily, fever few, astilbe, Maltese cross, valerian, bind weed.

My fav peonies is a stare down with the camera.

Caught by the Game Cam-several ravens/crows and a turkey, possibly in a dispute.

This almost white bird is a goldfinch [with a sunflower seed], one of a few, usual color of the birds below.

A pair of goldfinches.

Water lilies, wadda ya think, Claude?

Close up water lily.

Astilbe on the bank.

Fever few.

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of your rain! We had so much fun. Can’t wait to come back to sleep on the new mattress!
