Monday, July 13, 2020

Back in VT.

7-13-20 VERMONT: We’ve been back for a couple of days, catching Anna and Gardner at the end of their week here. Tonight it’s in the sixties, and I’m about to look for a sweater. This summer in VT, after dinner, one either puts on a fan or a sweater.

There’s been a little rain, but not nearly enough. The new pond is quite low now. I have a bunch of chores on my list, but today I cut down one of my big successes, a cup plant, Silphium perfoliatum, that almost ate the garden. This was its third year. Last year it was two feet high and wide, but this year five feet high and wide, crowding out its neighbors. I hate taking down anything happy in its spot, but too big is too big. Maybe I’ll dig up the root system and try it somewhere else.

The pasture is full of wildflowers including black-eyed Susan, Queen Anne’s lace, clovers, vetch, daisies and the butterflies are here. I got decent pix of a few and posted them today. I saw one Monarch when I didn’t have a camera.

New blooms: summer azalea, Shasta daisies, bee balm, evening primrose, delphinium, mallow, fox glove, filipendula, milkweed, meadow rue, hybrid daylily, campanula, oxeye.

Deer caught by the game cam in mid-leap.

Two turkeys, there probably are several chicks in the tall grass. One bird is always on the lookout.

Other wildlife.

Mr. Toad has a home under that step. He's about to set foot on his front porch.

Filipendula looking very frothy.

Mallow is a mid-summer regular.

Aphrodite Fritillary on milkweed along with a bunch of bees and other bugs.

A rare, two-headed Sulfur butterfly.

Marbled Fritillary.

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