Monday, September 07, 2020

Summer is Over.

9-7-20 VERMONT: We probably head back to NJ tomorrow to catch up with doctor appts and to get our mail-in ballots, check them off and mail them back. I know who I’m voting for, I know who I’m not voting for, ever, as of four years ago, or maybe five years ago, and I will be appalled if that candidate is re-elected—all clear? We will probably be back here for the fall leaves and longer depending on what Covid does this fall.

Speaking of Covid, we had a rarity, a bunch of family up for the weekend. Val and Steve stopped here on the way to Maine to see his fam a week or so ago, and Alison arrived the next day for the week. We went to the auction preview, McNamara Dairy in Plainfield, NH for maple, 5-star, ice cream, saw turkeys. Friday Anna, Gardner, and Lily arrived. They explored the area, and the big dinner on Sat night was on the deck with the firepit going and Judy’s duck, wild rice, special salad and peach pie ruling, except, possibly for the maple ice cream pie. Cousin John joined us for the dinner. Many wine bottles were opened.

After dinner there was a brief shower followed by the setting sun that gave us a spectacular rainbow, and then a double rainbow that got bright enough to be reflected in the pond, is that a triple?

Monarchs—I saw six today on the mint in the pasture.

Now the guests are all gone and we’re packing up.

New blooms: hardy hibiscus, pink turtlehead.

This saucer-sized Hardy Hibiscus is a late summer bloomer. We have one in all red also, but it's not open yet.

A couple more Hibiscus.

We were at our neighbors for pizza a few nights ago. They built a Bread Oven a two years ago, and it does pizza also.

Ready to eat, outside around the firepit.

After the pizza, they made bread for the week.

Alison spotted turkeys by the pond during the week, and I got some pix as they walked into the pasture and later across the road.

There seemed to be two broods, each with two adults in charge, or maybe it was four broods with two moms in charge of each group of two broods. Here's one with ten chicks and one adult in the field.

Here is the other group with six chicks and one mom.

Val took and pic of us with pretty good smiles and one dog.

These two rainbows and reflection in the pond were one of the high lights of Saturday dinner on the deck.

Missing only the photog, who couldn't get the timer delay to work, the Saturday night party on the deck featured duck legs and wild rice and maple ice cream pie among other delectables.

Pink turtlehead saves it until the end of the season.

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