Sunday, October 18, 2020

Back in NJ.

10-18-20 SHORT HILLS: We’ve been back for a few days. Here most of the trees are still green, the ash are bare, sweet gum tree, walnut and locust are turning. Burning bush are starting to show red. Again, I get the sense of traveling back in time going from VT to NJ because we’re at an earlier stage of autumn in NJ.

The weather has been lovely except for a rainy day, 1.3 inches, that we needed. It seems cooler than recent Octobers because we have the heat on, when in many years, we don’t start it until November.

The birds are very active. All the usual feeder customers are here except for the goldfinches and house finches and the sparrows. The grackles have been monopolizing the feeders and draining them almost daily. They will be moving on soon, along with the red-wing blackbirds with whom they travel. They don’t live near each other in breeding season.

New blooms: witch-hazel.

Grackles have been mobbing the feeders and intimidating the other birds.

The birds with the yellow stripes are Red-Wing Blackbirds, who hang out with the Grackles during migrations.

The grackles are black until they step into the sunlight and then show a rainbow of iridenscence.

More iridescence.

Robin eating burning bush berries.

Cardinal found the other feeders after I re-filled them. The grackles have been draining the feeders daily.

Downy Woodpecker, female, is half the size of the very similar Hairy Woodpecker and have a small beak for a woodpecker. The male Downy is below.

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