Friday, October 02, 2020

Rain is Back.

10-2-20 VERMONT: We finally got some rain a few days ago, 2.5 very welcome inches, and last night and today another 0.25 inches. Hopefully we’re back into our normal weather pattern with regular rain. The pond is full and the new pond has much more water than before the rain. 

The leaky barn cupola has been repaired, and we’ll see if the barn stays dry. A broken post in the cellar of the old house will get replaced tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. I started doing fall close up and winterizing—most of the hoses are put away, the hammock and outdoor benches are ready to crawl into the cellar for the winter.

I spend a few minutes in the hammock before bringing it in, just as I spend a few minutes in it when I put it out in the spring, because I never have the time to use it in the summer.

The color has changed, most of the trees that I showed in the last post are now bare, but the trees that were still green then are now turning. Leaf season changes every day—where it’s brilliant today will be drab and bare tomorrow and green areas will be red next week. It depends on weather, temperature, sun exposure, altitude and tree species among other things. By November almost all the trees will be bare until April or May.   

Our road next to the pasture.

Maples behind the barn.

Less color after the rain, but  the pond is full.
Different trees now turning. All the trees still green will show some color over the next few weeks.

We buried Gus' ashes with all the other dogs, and left another rock marker. 

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