Saturday, November 07, 2020

Go Joe, ByeDon.

11-7-20 VERMONT: 11/3/20 has come and gone, and I am jubilantly waiting for official declarations that Joe has won, and the sexist, xenophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic, lying, bullying, tax cheating scoundrel occupying the White House is soon to be gone.

We are in VT. We came up Thursday on a warm, sunny day after it had snowed some days before. There were patches of snow in the shadows and ice on the ponds, but all the snow and ice were gone the next day.

I started garden clean up yesterday and did the beds to the east of the new house. It was a pleasure to be working without a heavy coat and winter gloves.

The game cams captured the snow from election day.

When we arrived, there were still patches of snow and a frozen pond.

The garden beds are melting out and have dead stalks from the dormant perennials.

It's hard to see, but the game cam caught three foxes, I think they're foxes, at night.

Other foxy wildlife found during the day.

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