Thursday, December 24, 2020

Xmas Eve.

12-24-20 VERMONT: After more snow and cold, today it’s in the forties and everything is melting—benches and fences are emerging form the snow. There’s a drizzle, and water is accumulating on the ponds. We’re supposed to get a big rain tonight and tomorrow. It will wash away a lot of the snow, and if New England behaves as it usually does, what’s left will freeze solid after the rain.

We’ve been snowshoeing almost every day and the trails are almost highways now. The roofs on the houses and barns are metal and the snow is sliding off and crashing to the ground with roars and booms, which has Kaley, thunder phobic, terrified. THC drops help her a lot.

A few days ago in was warm enough to convert the powder snow to wet, packing snow—skiers call it mashed potatoes. The goldens turned into snow dogs, they were covered with snowballs from armpit to groin to all four feet and could barely drag it back to the house. It took us a half hour to comb them out. 

Snow coming off the roof means re-shoveling the deck and the doorsteps, which I have now done three of four times. It’s not so easy because the snow gets compacted into ice when it lands.

We missed the planetary conjunction like we missed the meteor shower because of overcast skies.

We have already started Holiday feasting with PIB’s, ML’s and caviar pie for lunch. It’s almost time for the Prosecco.

Judy and Shari snowshoeing across the dam.

Maizie fashioning snow balls.

Solstice bonfire at the neighbors, usually this is a big party.

Maizie testing the ice on a foggy morning.
Winter gear on the porch.

Maizie again taking her afternoon nap in early evening at a little after 4PM.

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