Wednesday, January 06, 2021

New Birds.

1-6-21 SHORT HILLS: Almost a week into 2021, and half a month since the Solstice, but the sun is still a distant memory. On January 21, the sun begins its climb back to us after almost two months at the Tropic of Capricorn. The Sun’s north-south excursion, due to the Earth’s axial tilt, follows a sine wave pattern. The flat, horizontal parts of the wave occur in Nov., Dec., Jan. and May, June, and July. March and September are the vertical parts of the wave. Anyway, after 1-21-21 the days begin to get longer for us.

The new bird feeder configuration seems to be working, and the squirrels remain baffled by the squirrel baffle. There were five of them on the ground under the feeders yesterday. We had new visitors yesterday, a pair of Carolina Wrens. We have House Wrens in the summer, who use the wren house, but they never hang around in the off-season. 

We had a brief snow a few days ago before it turned to rain. The daily high temps are in the forties.

Carolina Wrens pecking at the suet and seeds. 

Wrens again.
Birds in the snow. The male cardinal stands out, but there are other customers also.
Two birds with one shot.

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