Friday, February 26, 2021

We Just Might Get Spring.

2-26-21 SHORT HILLS: We walked with Bill, Lynn and Bella today at Loantaka Park, or rather we so intended, but the trails were snow covered, so we walked on the road. The big pond there has thawed and lots of water birds are swimming and diving. I took some pic with a pocket cam that were terrible so I went back with the real cam after the walk.

Open water and a couple warmish days have me believing that the thaw will happen. Our driveway is still a narrow path for cars to get in and out surrounded by Alps created by the plowers. The terrace table has only a snowball’s worth of snow now. It had 18 inch deep pile not that long ago.

I always feel that spring will happen once we get to March 1, and say 'bye' to February. We’re forecasted for precip tomorrow. On weather radar it looks like the rain-snow line goes through our yard. I sure don’t want more white stuff.

A Ring-necked Duck, male, in breeding format splashing around Loantaka pond.
Here he is with the missus. Looking for a nest site??
They weren't alone. Here's a bunch of Canada Geese and Mallards.
A blue heron also made the scene. He/she is busy grooming. Don't you wish you had a built-in back scratcher?
This oak at Loantaka looks the way I feel some days.
Back in the yard, this red-breasted nuthatch posed for me.

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