Friday, April 16, 2021

That Was a Short Summer.

4-16-21 VERMONT: Ken and Jane came over for dinner last night. It was the first time we had seen them in a year—what a crazy year it has been. 

I mentioned yesterday that we were getting a nice, overdue rain fall yesterday. Well it surprised us last night. As the guests were leaving, about 10 PM, we noticed that there was a bit of snow on the ground.

This morning everything was covered with 4 inches of heavy wet snow. The temperature was at the freezing point and only crept up a few degrees during the day. It continued to snow, and we ended up with about six inches. A tree came down and blocked the road a few hundred feet up hill from us, and the town DPW were here immediately to clear it and to plow.

There are some branches down, of course. All day snow has been sliding off the metal roofs and landing with loud thumps and upsetting  the dogs. The feeder birds have been busy at the feeders, but I worry about the others, the robins and flycatchers whose work zones are buried. 

The ponds are unfrozen and look black against the snow. Snow clumps and drips from the trees land on the water surface, splash and look like fish or duck activity. 

The water looks black, usually blue-green.
The smaller pond and brook. The willow tree has just opening green leaves.
That red maple is in bloom with red flowers. You can just make out the weather vane on top of the barn.
Icy rocking today.
Another look at the little pond
Let it snow!
More snow.

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